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How to Find the Best Window Technicians

How to Find the Best Window Technicians

If you’re a homeowner who is in need of window repair services, you can rest assured that there are some great companies available to help you out. These experts will be able to help you with issues such as leaking windows, cracked seals, and more. Click here to know more.


It’s not uncommon for your casement window to need a little TLC. The good news is, it’s not difficult to fix. Depending on the model, repairs can take less than an hour or so.

One of the most common problems with casement windows is a broken crank. A crank can break for a number of reasons, including being misaligned, overloaded, or not lubricated properly. When the window won’t open, try gently pulling and pushing it from outside to inside. This will stretch the metal to its proper position. If it still won’t open, you may need to replace the crank.

Another problem is a sagging frame. Hinges and arms can also warp, which can prevent the lock from operating correctly. To avoid a future problem, make sure to maintain the hinges and the locks.

Drip cap

A drip cap is a piece of flashing that is installed above a window or door. It is usually made of sheet metal and it’s used to prevent moisture from getting inside. This is a cheap and easy fix that will help keep your windows and doors dry.

There are many options available for you to choose from. You can purchase a preformed drip cap from a home improvement store, or you can opt to do it yourself. Either way, you will be able to save some money on your next window upgrade.

Drip caps come in a variety of sizes depending on the thickness of your trim. The most common type is sheet aluminum. Simply use a mallet to bend the aluminum into shape. Once you’ve done that, nail the drip cap into place.

Muntins and mullions

Muntins and mullions are the two structural components of windows. If you want to replace your window or build a new one, you may need to know the differences between these two elements.

In the past, muntins were used as structural support for older buildings. They prevented weight from collapsing or breaking the glass. Nowadays, they are mostly used for decorative purposes. However, their use can also provide a boost to home security.

Mullions, on the other hand, are thicker pieces of wood that run between adjoining window units. This structure provides stability and a grid pattern. It also separates two voids when casements are side by side.

Although the difference between muntins and mullions may not be obvious, it is still important to understand them. Aside from aesthetics, these structural components can be installed in virtually any type of house.


Caulking your windows is an important step to maintaining the integrity of your home and keeping pests out. It also allows you to control the fluctuations of the temperature in your home.

There are several types of caulk, from acrylic latex to polyurethane. Each type is suited to specific applications. If you want to seal your windows, it is important to choose the best type of caulk for the application.

Acrylic latex is ideal for interior applications and is paintable. However, it does not stand up well to the weather. For an outdoor application, silicone caulk is a better choice. Silicone caulk is water-based, flexible, and waterproof.

When applying caulk to your windows, you should use a caulking gun. You can find them at hardware stores. These guns help ensure an even, smooth application.

Replacement vs repair

A broken window is not a pretty sight. Luckily, there are ways to repair windows that will make your home look like new again.

For instance, if the sash on your window is stuck, you can replace it with a replacement glass sash. Another option is to replace the crank on an old casement window. You may even be able to salvage the existing frame.

The cost of replacing a window can vary depending on the type of window and the number of windows. The cost is also influenced by architectural style. In general, vinyl windows are cheaper to replace than wood framed ones.

The cost of replacing a single pane is usually less than $175 while the cost of repairing a double pane window can be as high as $120. However, you can save money by doing the project in stages. Read next.

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